Content Specific Pedagogical Knowledge and Teacher Knowledge Transfer

Content Specific Pedagogical Knowledge and Teacher Knowledge Transfer


  • Evelyn Njurai Kisii University, Kenya
  • Josephine Oranga Kisii University, Kenya
  • George Areba Kisii University, Kenya
  • Billiah Gisore Kisii University, Kenya



Pedagogy, Pedagogical Knowledge Transfer, Content Specific Pedagogical Knowledge, Tacit Knowledge, Explicit Knowledge


Pedagogical knowledge and in particular Content Specific Pedagogical Knowledge (CSPK) has been widely researched and discussed. Teacher training institutions globally have embraced knowledge bases proposed by researchers in their curriculum to prepare teachers for teaching. The transferability of CSPK has, however, received little attention. This article explores the transferability of CSPK by teachers. Using a literature review analysis method, the article raises the questions of why, and how, the need for CSPK transfer and addresses issues surrounding knowledge transfer. Focusing on a spiral curriculum, the transfer is seen more in relation to conceptual connection within a subject and across subjects, and integration of disciplines. The authors argue that teacher training should embrace aspects of knowledge transfer so that teachers are not rendered redundant when curricular changes and when some subjects which teachers have been trained are dropped from the curricular. Further research is recommended.

Author Biographies

Evelyn Njurai, Kisii University, Kenya

Department of Curriculum, Instruction & Media

Josephine Oranga, Kisii University, Kenya

Department of Special Needs Education

George Areba, Kisii University, Kenya

Department of Educational Administration, Planning & Economics

Billiah Gisore, Kisii University, Kenya

Department of Educational Psychology




How to Cite

Njurai, E., Oranga, J., Areba, G., & Gisore, B. (2024). Content Specific Pedagogical Knowledge and Teacher Knowledge Transfer . Journal of the Kenya National Commission for UNESCO, 4(2).


