Connecting Research, Practice and Policy: Are Policy Makers and Practitioners in Kenya Utilising Universities’ Social Science Research?

Connecting Research, Practice and Policy: Are Policy Makers and Practitioners in Kenya Utilising Universities’ Social Science Research?


  • Grace Bunyi Kenyatta University, Kenya
  • Mukirae Njihia Kenyatta University, Kenya
  • Martin Ogola Kenyatta University, Kenya


University, National Government, County Government, Social Science Research, Utilisation, Policy


Universities play a leading role in research and are considered the main knowledge-producing institutions in any society. Whereas conducting research is important, the utilization of the findings is even more important. Increasingly, research funders are keen to ensure that research makes a difference and that the research they fund is applicable in the relevant areas. The present study thus sought to establish the level of utilisation of university-produced social science research by government in the policymaking and formulation processes in Kenya. Data was collected from universities, national government ministries and county governments. The study established that there was very low utilisation of university produced social science research in the policy formulation and making processes at both national and county government levels. It also emerged that most of the research studies conducted by universities were commissioned by private agencies. The study   concludes that channels for communicating research findings between universities and government were lacking. The study recommends that universities should create formal research linkages and partnerships with government ministries to enable dialogue throughout the entire research process. Universities should also establish/strengthen research dissemination units, as well as move beyond the traditional channels of disseminating research findings.

Author Biographies

Grace Bunyi, Kenyatta University, Kenya

Ass. Professor, Department of Educational Management, Policy & Curriculum Studies

Mukirae Njihia, Kenyatta University, Kenya

Lecturer, Department of Educational Management, Policy & Curriculum Studies

Martin Ogola, Kenyatta University, Kenya

Lecturer, Department of Educational Management, Policy & Curriculum Studies




How to Cite

Bunyi, G., Njihia, M., & Ogola, M. (2023). Connecting Research, Practice and Policy: Are Policy Makers and Practitioners in Kenya Utilising Universities’ Social Science Research? . Journal of the Kenya National Commission for UNESCO, 3(1). Retrieved from


